Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, November 7, 2011
Seven Random Things
I'd like to thank Becki at The Middle Miles for giving me this award. Be sure to stop by and visit her site - she's extremely knowledgeable about running shoes. As she says herself, Becki is the Carrie Bradshaw of running shoes ;)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Walk (run) for Farm Animals, Confession, and a Couple Recipes
Walk (run) for Farm Animals - World Run Day 11/6/11 |
This is super yummy! Like rice pudding meets apple pie :) Instead of noting the changes I made (which were very few), I'm just posting it as I made it.
1 apple, chopped
1/2 cup apple juice
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Mix it all together and heat! That's it :)
Makes 2 servings.
Here's the info per serving:
Calories: 292.2
Fat: 1.5
Carbs: 67.3
Fiber: 5.2
Protein: 3.6
WW P+ 8 (totally worth it, trust me!)
Okay, I think that's about it for now. Oh! I got another award (I have no idea how since I'm horrible at this whole blogging thing) which I will do another post on, hopefully tomorrow! And I also apologize for not getting back to some of you with the last couple posts. I promise to do better! Can I make up for it by posting a pic of my adorable kitty, snuggled up with his favorite duck toy?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Halloween that wasn't :(
So needless to say I totally missed out on Halloween this year :( Not only my favorite holiday, but also hubby's and my 2nd anniversary. It's been so stressful the last few days that by the time we got back home with the generator and got it hooked up yesterday afternoon, we were too exhausted to do anything but go grab a quick bite to eat and then come home and pass out (with the dog and cat in between us!).
Would it be wrong for me to wear my Halloween costume to Thanksgiving dinner?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wordless Wednesday, the Thursday edition...
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Week in Review, Hair color, and Cookies!
I've been blonde for 2 weeks now. I got quite a few compliments the first couple days, but now it's turning orange (my hair is naturally red), so I've had enough. As soon as I finish up this post I'll be heading to the salon (aka the bathroom ;)) to see what kind of chaotic color I can come up with next, heheh :)
But even better are these cookies!! Well not even cookies, but cookie dough balls :)
- 1/3c oat flour
- 1/3c ground pistachios
- 1/3c ground cocoa-roasted almonds
- 2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
- 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4c chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life mini chips - vegan)
Mix everything together, form into (10) balls, and pop in the fridge. I ate 2 of them before they even made it into the fridge. On my way out the door for my run I grabbed 2 out of the fridge. Wow, are they good! If you make 10 balls, they are 100 calories each.
Have any of you NEVER colored your hair before? I go through periods where I can't stand my hair and change it frequently, but for the most part I only color it about twice a year. I do have quite a lot of wigs though ;)
Oh and by the way, have any of you tried the new Salted Caramel Mocha Latte at Starbucks? I had one the other day (soy, no whip) and Oh my! I don't even want to know how many calories were in that thing, but it was DELICIOUS!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Virtual 10k today, and Week in Review
Today as I was heading out to the garage (to my treadmill) for my 7.5 mile long run, I remembered I had a virtual 10k to run. I was going to do 2/:30 intervals but ended up doing 2:30/:30. I did the running between 6.5 and 7mph, and walked at 4mph. This averaged out at about 9:30 minutes/mile. I finished the 10k at just under 58 minutes which, while not a PR, was pretty good considering all the walk breaks! My main problem with the walk breaks is that I get tired out way to soon, and then it gets harder to go back to running. And speaking of which, after the 10k I ended up walking the rest of the 7.5 miles.
I was pretty bad at tracking again this week, but my weight stayed between 112 - 113, other than this morning which was 111. I did well today (a peanut butter & chocolate chip wrap for breakfast, and my Boca pasta concoction for an early supper) until I overindulged on my latest batch of Happy Herbivore's Chocolate Chip Cookies ;) Now I just want to lay down and sleep! And as a matter of fact, that's what I'm going to do! Nighty night :)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Magic Mile, and my first award!
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment at their blog.
3. Post the Award on your blog.
4. Enjoy the love of some of the most supportive people on the Internet!
A huge THANK YOU to The Vegan Tummy for awarding me this honor! Please visit her amazing blog; you'll be glad you did.
Here are my 5 picks:
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Week in Review
Not much to report from this week. I did my first couple short easy runs and today is a 6-mile long, slow run. I started messing around with intervals on Friday's run: I tried 3/1 (3 minutes running, 1 minute walking) and didn't care for it much at all. 1 minute walk breaks is way too much and made me feel like I never even got warmed up before it was time to stop. For today's run I'm going to try 2:30/:30, but at a slower pace than what my "normal" speed would be. Tomorrow is not a run day, but I may attempt a "magic mile" just so I know what pacing I should be using for my training. For those who don't know, the magic mile test is where you run one mile as fast as you can, but without feeling like you are going to die at the end ;) You would then make calculations from that time to determine race pace, long slow run pace, etc... I haven't done a magic mile test in about a year, so I'm curious to see if I've improved at all.
On the food front, I've been terrible at tracking this week (again) and am thankful to have stayed between 113 - 114 all week. I went grocery shopping yesterday and found (what turned out to be) really good Pad Thai meal starters. The box just has rice noodles and sauce, to which I added sauteed zucchini, mushrooms, green onions, and bean sprouts. I portioned it into 4 containers and then proceeded to eat 2 of them, Lol!
I also made another batch of my Jalapeno Hummus and my Super Salsa (see Recipe tab above). Today I'll be making a TVP crockpot taco concoction to batch up for the week, and I also cut up and bagged a bunch of romaine lettuce for quick easy salads.
Oh, last night I broke down and chopped my hair off. Then I dyed it blonde. It didn't come out quite the color it was supposed to (my hair is naturally red so anything I put in it just turns a different shade of red), and I can't decide if I like it or not. It kinda glows ;)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Marathon Training!
Week 1: 6 miles
Week 2: 7.5 miles
Week 3: 9 miles
Week 4: 5 miles
Week 5: 11 miles (Run for Farm Sanctuary / World Run Day)
Week 6: 5 miles
Week 7: 13 miles
Week 8: 5 miles
Week 9: 15 miles
Week 10: 4 x 1
Week 11: 17 miles
Week 12: 6 x 1
Week 13: 6 miles
Week 14: 20 miles
Week 15: 8 x 1
Week 16: 7 miles
Week 17: 23 miles
Week 18: 10 x 1
Week 19: 6 miles
Week 20: 26 miles (Eek!)
Week 21: 6 miles
Week 22: 12 x 1
Week 23: 6 miles
Week 24: 29 miles (Really?!)
Week 25: 6 miles
Week 26: 14 x 1
Week 27: 7 miles
Week 28: Marathon!
If I follow the plan exactly, Marathon Day will be April 15, 2012. That may be cutting it kinda close to my next half-marathon which is April 29th, so there will probably be some changes. Especially since I won't be running an actual marathon until September. Do I really need a 29-mile training run?! What I'll most likely do is either 1) Get rid of Weeks 24 and 25, in which case I would have a full month before the half, or 2) Stop at Week 20, which will be 26 miles. And at this point, all I really want to know is that I CAN do it!
Any opinions?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Vegan -vs- Insects, and Marathon Training
Before I get started, I'd like to give a shout-out to This Vegan Life. I've been non-stop reading her posts for the past couple days now, and they are really well-written and thought-provoking! She addresses what most people question when it comes to being Vegan.
This brings me to my own beliefs. After partaking in a survey over at CarpeVegan (another blog I love to read), I'm led to believe that I'm not the only one who may think like this... I'm referring to insects/bees. While I get that the bee is "exploited" for it's honey (which I don't even eat; I'm just using this as a point), how many of us really care about exploiting bees (or bugs, or other creepy crawly insects). Who really wouldn't kill a bee if it was about to sting them? Or swat a mosquito? Ok yes, bugs and bees are living, breathing creatures, but I don't put them in the same category as dogs or cats, or cows, pigs, chickens, etc... Do you see where I'm going with this?
I have a really difficult time putting my thoughts into words, which is probably why this blog sucks ;) but I'm really in a dilemma over this. My reasons for going vegan are because of animals. Because of ethics. It wasn't about the environment and I was already healthy. My complete change of diet and lifestyle was ONLY because of the animals. The farm animals. Not bugs, bees, insects. Farm animals. Animals that are inhumanely treated to become "food." That is all. So does this make me not vegan? Veganish? Extreme vegetarian? I know people hate the word veganish, but really- I don't eat any type of meat, dairy, or eggs. I'm an advocate for farm animals. I "preach" about the atrocities of factory farming and inhumane treatment of farm animals. I do what I can to live cruelty-free.
But I will not even hesitate to smash the crap out of a mosquito if it lands on me.
So what does that make me? How ethical can I be if I don't think of bugs the same way as I do "real" animals. That's honestly the comparison I make. Insects are insects, not animals. Sigh. I should stop before I give myself a headache.
I wish more than 3 people read my blog ;) because I'd love some opinions on this, whether I get flamed or not. So if any of you 3 want to share this among your readers...
And on a lighter note, I've got my marathon training plan all set up. I have it tweaked to include the 10-mile run on 11/6/11 and should have me able to run 26.2 miles on or about January 29th! That also lets me be able to take a week's rest and then go right back to HM training for the St. Luke's Half Marathon in April. I'll post a pic of the training log as soon as I get all the dates put on it. Right now they are just hand-written in.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
And on a lighter note, World Run Day is November 6th :)
World Farm Animals Day
This video is short but is EXTREMELY disturbing! However, I will not apologize for sharing it here. I can understand if you don't want to watch it, but sometimes you have to see it to believe it.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
September Wrap-Up and a Yummy (no-bake) Vegan Cookie Recipe!
So for September, I ran 74 miles which, while not anywhere near the 101 miles I ran in August, included TWO 13.1 mile runs! Once in a training run and then again at the Philadelphia Rock-n-Roll Half-Marathon! While I'm not ecstatic about my finish time, I am super excited to be a half-marathoner! And I can't wait to start training for a full 26.2 miles! Since I'm not as focused on time as endurance, I'm leaning towards using a Galloway training program which is comprised of run/walk intervals. I'm hoping to get that all sorted out today too.
As for my weight, it fluctuated between 114 - 110 for the month of September. I consider that a huge win since I was really bad about tracking for most of the month. I also ate way too many cookies. Both of the cookie recipes I've been making are ridiculously simple and no-bake! One I followed exactly from the Forks over Knives book, and the other I don't remember where the original recipe came from but I changed it so much that it really became my own ;)
Nutty no-bake Cookies (my recipe):
- 1/2 cup Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds, ground
- 1/4 cup shelled Pistachios, ground
- 1/3 cup Oatmeal Flour (or just grind up 1/3 cup old-fashioned oats)
- Pinch of salt
- 1 Tbsp Agave Nectar
- 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
- 1-2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
- Combine almonds, pistachios, oatmeal (and salt if using) in a medium mixing bowl. Note: You can either measure/grind the nuts/oats separately, or measure/dump all of it together into grinder.
- In a smaller bowl, combine agave, coconut oil, and vanilla.
- Add wet to dry. Mix until dough forms. You might want to use your hands :) *My dough was pretty dry so I added the 2nd tsp of vanilla extract here* Tip: Make a circle with your thumb and forefinger. This is about the size you want to make your cookie balls. Unless you have really big hands or long fingers. Then make them a little smaller ;) My dough made 8 cookies.
- Roll into balls then shape balls into cookies (or just leave them as balls ;))
- Put the cookies on parchment paper and put in a gallon-sized freezer bag.
- Put in freezer until firm (about an hour).
- Try not to eat them all in one sitting ;)
- Fat 8.6
- Carbs 7.3
- Calories 110.2
- Protein 2.7
Friday, September 30, 2011
Under Construction
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
When Pigs Fly?
As I sit here with one lost toenail, another one black and about to go, a pulled hamstring, sore knee and aching feet, I’ve decided to run a marathon! I’m leaning towards the Flying Pig marathon on May 6, 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio, but I haven’t completely decided yet.
It’s been one week and two days since I ran the Philadelphia Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon. Up until the gun went off I couldn’t figure out what the hell I thought I was doing lined up with all those people, crammed into corrals like cans of sardines. For the 48 hours leading up to the race I was a complete wreck. Nerves like jelly, stomach all tied up in knots. Couldn’t sleep. You see, I’m a total introvert. Even after losing all the weight (and keeping it off for more than 2 years now) I still have self-esteem issues. I’m terrified of being around people, especially runners. I don’t know why, but I feel like a fraud. Other than when the gun goes off and I can just run, when will I ever feel like I fit in?!
But that’s just it! Once the gun goes off I no longer care about anything else. I am in my zone, doing what I love to do. I will admit that I still prefer to run by myself (and not have to “deal” with other people) but as long as I’m running, I’m happy :) And now that I’ve conquered the half-marathon, it’s time for a new goal! Mission:Marathon! Which leads me to the next thing… this blog.
So here’s what I really want to do with this blog:
- A training log (food/fitness) as I embark on the journey to become a marathoner.
- A journal to sort out my feelings and work on my insecurities.
- A connection to those of you who are either going through the same things I am, or that I/you have already gone through (i.e., WW, weight-loss, adapting a plant-based/Vegan diet/lifestyle, etc…).
I actually began writing a new blog over at Wordpress, but decided that I am just going to stay here instead. I like that Blogger is connected to Google and I can keep everything somewhat together.
Over the next few days, I’ll be doing some redecorating and most likely changing the name of my blog (and maybe even buying a new domain) so stay tuned…
Oh, and my new Ghosts came today so I’ll leave you with this:
Monday, September 19, 2011
3, 2, 1... Half Marathon!
2 years ago I reached my goal weight of 114 pounds :)
1 year ago I completed the Couch to 5k (C25k) program and never looked back! Since then I've ran 5k, 10k, and 10-mile races. I ♥ Running!
6 months ago I registered for a half marathon. During (what was supposed to be) a 10-mile long run, I kept going and actually ran 13.1 miles on my treadmill. I think I just wanted to be sure I could do it.
4 months ago I eliminated all meat, dairy and eggs from my diet and switched to a completely Vegan lifestyle. I had already achieved a healthy lifestyle prior, so my reasons for doing this were/are completely based on the horrendous treatment to farm animals. I'm now an advocate/activist for Farm Sanctuary, and even adopted a duck named Preston :)
P.S. Without even trying, I've lost another 4 pounds since going Vegan. I have more energy than ever, and have never felt better!
So this brings me to yesterday. I (along with 24000 others!) ran the Philadelphia Rock n Roll Half Marathon! I think there was only about a 10-minute period where I wasn't grinning ear to ear.
*Note for anyone currently training for a race: As Coach Nancy has mentioned several times- do NOT alter your diet around race day, even in the slightest amount. After grabbing and downing what I thought was a cup of water around mile 6, I was stricken with indescribable stomach pains and had to stop 3 times over the next couple miles at the port-o-pots! Turned out it was something called Cytomax (I think is similar to Gatorade?)- Ugh! I could have had (if not super close to) a sub-2 hour time if not for that! :(
But anyways, I finished strong! And because of all the people and having to weave in and out, my Garmin showed that I actually ran 13.64 miles, and I did it in 2 hours, 16 minutes, 34 seconds! Woohoo! And I got my first medal :)
Monday, September 5, 2011
FMM and Week in Review
See that?! I ran a HALF MARATHON last Sunday! Woohoo! It was a good week! I also saw the lowest number EVER on the scale – 111! I have to really watch it now though. I cannot go below 109 or I’ll be out of the “healthy” range. I only wish someone would explain that to my flabby belly- boo!
FMM: Favorite Things
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers.
1) What is your favorite food? Peanut butter cookies!
2) What is your favorite childhood memory? This one is tough! I’m gonna go with something kinda silly since it sticks out in my memory: Winning the “Great Pumpkin” in 3rd or 4th grade. My favorite math teacher, Mr. Misterly, had to drive me home because it was too big to carry
3) What is your favorite way to burn calories? Running. Duh!
4) What is your favorite mode of technological communication? Facebook I guess? Texting, email… I wish I was better at Twittering ;)
5) Who is your favorite actor/actress? Ewan McGregor/Emily Deschanel
6) What is your favorite lip color? Something light pinkish-orangey reddish
7) Who is your favorite historical figure? Gandhi
8) Who is your favorite athlete? Todd Zeile <3
9) What is your favorite TV network? I don’t really watch TV other than Dexter, Bones, and The Biggest Loser (which are on 3 different networks!) so I’m gonna have to go with Netflix on this one, Lol!
10) What is your favorite site on the web? Wow, so many to choose from. If I could only pick one, I would have to go with
Ok, you’re turn! Happy Labor Day and have a great week!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Screw you hurricane - I ran a half marathon today :)
Honestly, I'm still in a bit of shock. I mean seriously, I am not what one would envision as an athlete. I even still smoke! But something comes over me when I'm out there running, and it just makes me feel amazing :)
![]() |
Sweat = Liquid Awesome! |
I guess it all comes down to (finally) believing in myself. I believed I could do it, so I did! I ran a Half-Marathon today! I ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 37 seconds. I am awesome :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
FMM: The Last Thing
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: The Last Thing
1) What is the title of the last book you read? Physically read? Peas and Thank You. Audio book? I’m listening to the J.D. Robb In Death Series. Currently on Possession in Death. Oi! Only 2 books left :(
2) What is the last movie you saw in a theater? Hm. We don’t ever go to the movies so it’s been quite a while. I’m sure it was a horror movie… maybe Saw VI?
3) Briefly describe the last person you saw today. I haven’t seen anyone yet today besides the cat. My husband leaves for work at 4am and knows better than to wake me up that early ;) And the dog is still in bed!
4) Which store did you most recently shop in? Barnes and Noble. Paid double the price of what I could have paid on Amazon if I wasn’t so impatient! Ha!
5) Who’s the last person you spoke to over the phone? My husband, about 10 minutes ago.
6) Where’s the last place you vacationed? We are terrible at saving money for vacations, and spend too much on instant gratification types of things. So it would have been our wedding/honeymoon in Vegas on Halloween of 2009.
7) When was the last time you kissed someone of the opposite sex? Last night, before bed :)
8) What’s the last thing that made you laugh? Definitely this:
9) What’s the latest app that you downloaded on your phone? Fooducate, but I haven’t used it yet. Gonna check out this “Instagram” that I keep hearing about next.
10) What’s the last kind thing you did for someone? I did my husband’s laundry yesterday. I know, too exciting!
Have a great week everyone!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
What I learned from today’s long run…
But first, This Week in Review:
Yes I’m a bad blogger (again). I just can’t find the time to update this thing regularly. Probably because when I do have time, I spend it reading everyone else’s blog ;) Not like I really have anything that interesting to blog about anyways. I eat, I run, I work. (And I shop when I can!) So here’s what this past week looked like (oh and again, the picture came out horrible, but I think it’s still somewhat readable):
New grocery items: Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese (french onion flavored) – Yummy! Wholly Guacamole (classic) – again, Yummy! And finally, Tofu! Nasoya Extra Firm. Believe it or not – also Yummy!
Oh, my P90X came early in the week, but I haven’t started messing with it yet. I was kind of hoping my husband would want to try it out, but he’s still too busy with his PS3 ;)
I ran 21 miles last week! Woohoo! All good runs even! Today was another story, but I’ll get to that in just a minute.
On Friday, I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up ‘Peas and Thank You’ by Mama Pea. I love her blog and already had a few of her “recipeas” printed out to try. And thanks to Mama Pea, I have finally experimented with tofu (see above), and I liked it! Probably because of the marinade and broiling until almost burnt, but it was really good! I highly recommend this book, but I suggest if you do get it, get it from Amazon because I paid double that at B&N :(
Speaking of Amazon, I ordered ‘The Happy Herbivore’ and ‘Veganomicon,’ and am anxiously awaiting their arrivals! Lindsay (the Happy Herbivore) has a blog here, and Veganomicon is another of Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s books. Her blog is the PPK (Post Punk Kitchen), which can be found here.
What I learned from today’s long run…
1. Do NOT eat beans the night before a long run. Really, just don’t. TMI.
2. Do NOT wait until the hottest time of day to head into garage (where treadmill is), which is at least 15 degrees hotter than outside.
3. If you wait until you “need” a Gu, it’s too late.
4. Do NOT wear a non-fitting, non-sports bra. Especially one that is too big. I spent so much time messing with “the girls” that the bra broke. Granted, it fit much better after I tied it into a knot to keep it on.
5. I am no longer allergic to bee stings. Unfortunately, I had to find this out the hard way. Yes, I got stung while running. Yes, it was during the same mile (the 4th, by the way) my bra broke. It was also during the same mile I had to stop for a minute because I really “had to go.”
6. The right song can turn it all around. I was considering just calling it a day and doing it over tomorrow. ‘Never Surrender’ by Triumph came on. I did not surrender :)
7. Running really is a mental sport. I had a full-blown argument with myself about not giving up. I thought about the people who have put me down, and who didn’t believe I could accomplish anything. Umm, before I start going off on a tangent here, let me just move on…
8. And the most important thing I learned today?
I finally believe in me
Sunday, August 14, 2011
7-mile Long Run and Week in Review
Happy Sunday everyone! It’s been a good (but busy as usual) week overall! I just came in from my 7-mile long, slow run and I’m having a late lunch before jumping in the shower, so I thought I’d do a little post.
I was very happy with my long run, though I don’t think I’m slowing down as much as I probably should be. If my “race pace” is around 7mph I’m told my long, slow runs should be around 5mph. To be honest, it hurts my legs to run slower than 5.5 for any extended period of time. Anyways, here are my splits from today’s run:
Mile 1: 12:05 | includes 3-min warm-up walk then 6mph run |
Mile 2: 10:50 | 6mph run w/5mph breaks for 30 sec every .25 mile |
Mile 3: 10:15 | ditto but increased regular pace to 6.5 |
Mile 4: 10:40 | 6mph w/4mph break for 30 sec at .5 mile |
Mile 5: 10:10 | 6mph w/5mph break for 60 sec at .5 mile |
Mile 6: 10:00 | 6mph no break |
Mile 7: 9:55 | 5.5mph but increased to 7mph for last .25 mile |
I hate having that warm-up walk in there because it destroys my overall time :( Boo! Anywho, I was pretty much a soaking sweatball when I finished, but I definitely could have kept going for at least another 2-3 miles.
And for my week in review:
Before I do my little calendar screen-shot, I have to give a shout-out to Cranky Fitness! When I first started reading blogs CF was an immediate favorite. After about a 6-month hiatus, Cranky Fitness is back! She just did an awesome giveaway for a P90x system, and guess who won?! ME! Woohoo!! Thanks Crabby! And thanks to Paul who is the one actually sending the P90x to me
My weight stayed between 113 – 114, except for Wednesday when it crept up to 115. I blame the Chinese food from Tuesday ;) And maybe the Peanut Butter M&Ms that somehow ended up in our vending machine at work. I am not one to frequent the vending machine and probably wouldn’t have even noticed these, but one of my evil co-workers pointed them out since she knows I’m PB-OCD! After the 3rd bag (thankfully not all in the same day!) I read the ingredients and noticed the dairy. Sigh. Why would I have not thought about that beforehand! I mean, Duh! Milk chocolate = milk. I must have been in denial or something. Needless to say, I’m done with the PB M&Ms (unless of course there becomes a dairy-free version!).
On Friday night when I got home from work, hubby and I headed out to Musikfest in Bethlehem. It was actually quite fun! We wandered around for a couple hours while he ate his way from one end of the place to the other. I had some potato chips and a whole wheat pretzel. While there, I found out there’s going to be a VegFest in the same area on September 10th! Yippee! I’m really looking forward to that!
On Saturday, hubby and I went grocery shopping and then went looking for somewhere to eat. He has been wanting to try this place called Pickles so we headed over there, but when I saw the menu, I asked him if we could please go somewhere else. It would have cost me at least $20 to “build” a veggie meal! We ended up right down the street at Italiano Delight where they have a $7.50 buffet. It was fabulous! I had no problem finding meat/dairy-free items and hubby totally gorged himself sick! Lol! It also came with a complimentary side of pasta, so we got angel hair pasta with olive oil, spinach and fresh garlic- it was out of this world! We will most definitely be going back there again!
I think that’s about it. I’d like to thank those of you who have commented on my posts during the week. I try to squeeze in what I can when I have time on my lunch breaks. I hope I got back to everyone, but if not, thank you! Your comments are truly appreciated!
I’m off to shower and then cook up my meals for the week.
- Do you slow down for your long runs? If so, by how much?
- Do you batch cook on the weekends for the upcoming week?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Three Things Thursday
- one bag boca crumbles
- one can black beans (I blended them first so they didn't "look" like beans)
- one jar salsa (I use Salpica Cilantro and Green Olive)
- 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
- some cumin and hot mexican chili powder
- 2 ears of corn, cut off the cob
- a pack of low sodium taco seasoning
- the juice of half of a lime
- a handful of cilantro
I set it on low overnight and then portioned it out (5 1-cup servings) this morning before work. I had it for lunch over a bed of spring mix and then topped it with some of my homemade salsa and a dollop of Tofutti sour cream. YUM!
2. As some of you may know, I haven't been able to find a "normal" full-time job since moving this past November, so I've been temping back at my old job since February. We are currently in negotiations to make it "worth my while" to come back as a permanent part-time employee. That would mean I'd get my benefits and PTO time back (among a couple other little "bonuses")! I should know something within the next month. Please keep me (and my poor little bank account) in your thoughts ;)
3. My running mojo is definitely back - I ran 7 days in a row! Yesterday I finally took a rest day, but tonight I'm looking forward to a nice easy 4 miler, which should finish off my 13.1 miles of the Hotter Than Hades Virtual Half Marathon :)
Lunch break is over now, back to the grind...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Weight-loss, Running, Vegan diet, Shopping, and the Week in Review
It’s been another busy (yet super successful running-wise) week! I worked my crazy-long hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and then when I got home Thursday night my sister-in-law, niece, and nephew were here to spend the night.
I got up early on Friday so I could get my run in before we went to do whatever it was we were going to do for the day, which turned out to be a trip to Cabelas. My hubby and his sister (and my niece) are hunters so they love all things Cabelas. It actually turned out okay for me since I scored some Under Armour running stuff on sale! It also helps when I can shop in the kids department, Lol! I got a pair of biker-like shorts that are super comfy and a lightweight, short-sleeved running shirt. We then went to Chili’s for lunch where I had an awesome black bean burger. Seriously, it was so yummy! We came back home and while the kids were out playing on the 4-wheeler, I was able to get another run in! Twice in one day, yippee! And instead of taking my rest day yesterday (Saturday) I decided to do some hill/interval work which got me another 5.45 miles in!
Here’s what the week looked like:
Yeah, that came out horrible but here’s a summary: My weight stayed between 114 – 115, I tracked ALL my food, and I ran 6 times! On Sunday I did 4.5 miles, Monday 4.75 miles, Wednesday 3.6 miles, Friday 3.4 in the morning and another 3.6 at night, and Saturday 5.45! I’m going out for my long run today as soon as I upload this post.
I also joined the Hotter Than Hades Virtual Half-Marathon (details HERE):
And I’ve been adding new blogs to my Blogroll like crazy! I’m a much better reader than writer, and most times when I plan on updating my blog, I end up spending too much time reading others and then don’t have time for my own
I also still don’t really feel like I fit into any particular blog category. Yes, I’m a runner but I don’t run to “race” and I prefer to run by myself. Running is just my personal, happy place/pace sorta thing, ya know? Which is probably why I jumped when I saw the aforementioned Virtual Run!
I’m not really a weight-loss blog seeing as how I’ve already lost the weight. And while I am a lifetime Weight Watcher (and also work for them), I don’t count points (I lost my weight following the Core i.e. Simply Filling plan). I do still, however, track everything, but I use for that instead of WW.
I don’t really count as a Vegan blog since I’m only 2 months into my Vegan journey and still learning. And I don’t create recipes; I make the recipes other Vegan blogs post ;) Unless of course, I happen to get lucky throwing things together in the kitchen, which DID in fact happen yesterday! Look for an upcoming post on my Asian Boca Concoction, hehe :)
But yet, I AM a combination of all of the above! I’m a (mostly) healthy veg*n runner who rambles about whatever strikes me, which is usually pertaining to weight-loss/maintenance, a vegan diet, running, shopping, and those who follow the same sort of lifestyle
Ok done rambling and not even sure what brought that on, but anyways, I’m off for my run. Happy Sunday!