Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wondering about a Vegan diet?

I saw this on a few different blogs and thought I'd share it here as well. You wouldn't believe how many times I'm asked where I get my protein. I'm definitely going to print this out and hang it in my office!

PeTA may be a bit over the top, but the good they do far outweighs some of the more controversial stuff! 
For me, yesterday was a rest day. I did get a little ST in since we had to go buy and install a new stove ;) Other than that though, I did some grocery shopping and prepping. I made Thai Peanut Soup, which took a bit longer than I expected. By the time it was done I wasn't hungry and it was late, so I haven't tasted it yet. If it's any good I will post the recipe later. The only thing on today's schedule is a 4-mile "long" run and some laundry. Also have to fill out passport paperwork in preparation for our Bahamas cruise in November! 

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