Sunday, February 27, 2011

LSD Sunday

No, I'm not talking about drugs! Today was my long run (LSD = Long Slow Distance) and I got in just over 8.5 miles! It was also the 2nd day in a row that I got to run OUTSIDE! Yay! Other than a few spots still covered in ice/snow, my run was good, but it was definitely slow. As much as I don't like running on the treadmill it really is the best way to work on speed. Anyways, I was still smiling after 8 miles...

The first thing I thought of when I got back in the house was FOOD! I was seriously considering Chinese food, especially since I burned almost 800 calories, but then I thought of WI tomorrow and also about some of the things I've been reading on Allan's blog.  So I had a serving of my Italian Casserole (see a couple posts ago) and put on a pot of coffee.  I also set one of my February goals as having Chinese food no more than 2 times, and last Wednesday was the 2nd time...

As an aside, I just LOVE this weekly calendar! It's big enough to write just about anything on, and it's magnetic so I can keep it on the fridge. As you can (sorta) see, I write down my weight, everything I eat and my running mileage. And yes I know I drink too much coffee! Then on Sunday I rip it off and compare it with my actual food tracker to make sure I didn't miss anything. I think you can see it full size if you click on it?

Alrighty then, off to shower, make dinner, and color my hair! Wheee!

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